Trials (John Wimber)

Over and over, we run across the concept in the New Testament that in order to move ahead in the kingdom, we must begin with the small things.


Over and over, we run across the concept in the New Testament that in order to move ahead in the kingdom, we must begin with the small things. In fact, the secrets of the faith are formed in the secret places of your life. Character is based on what you do when the lights are out. It’s what you watch, listen to, and invest in when you think no one cares or is paying attention. These private victories or failures form the foundation for how you will weather greater trials and uncertainties.

Giving in to temptation when facing small tests undermines your relationship with God, so that when you are tested with a difficult thing, you aren’t ready at all. You flunk. Secret sin breaks the bond of intimacy with God. In some small way, the concession to your comfort will dissipate your affection for the Lord, and in the end, your testimony to others.

When faced with temptation, we need to take a long-term view and focus on the value of what God is working into the fabric of our character, which will remain long after the current temptation or trial passes. Short-sightedness hinders this process, and consequently, thwarts our growth.

Growing in godliness, character, and faith in the small things is the underlying concept of Jeremiah 12:5. “If you have raced with men on foot and they have worn you out, how can you compete with horses? If you stumble in safe country, how will you manage in the thickets by the Jordan?”

Sometimes, God lays out a path for the person being tested, but if he compromises himself in the little things, he won’t run with the horses when the hard things come along.

Some of us will suffer severely in our lifetimes. We will go through financial disasters, unfair criticism and mistreatment at the hands of friends and family. Some will be mugged, ripped off , and abused. Others will go through divorce and rejection. This is life in the world we know, isn’t it? But the reality is that it will all count as nothing when we stand before him in the final day.

If we characterize the Christian life as one great athletic tournament in which we win every event and walk away champions in every situation, I think we’ve missed it. Many of us will run races that we will not win. We won’t even place in them. But we run the races, nonetheless. Our goal is to be conformed to the image of Christ in greater measure by what we endure. Understanding that will help us face an uncertain future.

John Wimber, Living With Uncertainty (Anaheim: Vineyard Ministries International, 1996), 6-7.

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