What Is Worship? Worship Quotes

Worship, the act of freely giving love to God, forms and informs every activity of the Christian’s life.

“…Worship, the act of freely giving love to God, forms and informs every activity of the Christian’s life. Many people who visit Vineyard Christian Fellowships remark on the depth and richness of our worship. This has not come about by chance: we have a well-thought-out philosophy that guides why and how we worship God….”

“…After we started to meet in our home gathering, I noticed times during the meeting – usually when we sang – in which I experienced God deeply. We sang many songs, but mostly songs about worship or testimonies from one Christian to another. But occasionally we sang a song personally and intimately to Jesus, with lyrics like ‘Jesus I love you.’ Those types of songs both stirred and fed the hunger for God within me….”

“…Songs are an indicator for us in the Vineyard. The songs coming forth from our churches show what God’s doing among us as a people. I always watch and listen to the songs to make sure the fire never goes out on the altar. If there’s fire on the songs, it’s always a good sign to me.”

“For the Vineyard family of churches, experiencing God in the midst of personal or corporate worship has always been one of our core values. We are, at our very foundation, a people who find their greatest identity, strength, and joy in the presence of God.”
-PHIL STROUTWe can never pin worship into a service. -David Ruis Share on X“Just when you think you have God cornered, the Living One has gone somewhere else. So you run after Him, and you find Him in a place you never expected, or you see His face in the poor. Our journey is one of life, and our worship is a living sacrifice before a living God. That is a life of simple devotion to Christ.”

“One thing I ask from the Lord, this only do I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze on the beauty of the Lord and to seek Him in His temple.”
-PSALM 27:4