The Integrated Life of a Leader


“We all said good-bye to our partial and piecemeal lives... We entered into a large and integrated life in which He has the final say in everything … refreshed and sustained at one fountain.” —1 Corinthians 12:12, MSG

A flourishing life and sustainable ministry means paying attention to every area of life, and to all seasons of ministry. Our current efforts are focused in the areas where our Vineyard pastors have indicated top needs:

Physical & Recreational

In the next two years, we’ll offer Physical & Relational Health cohorts that help leaders  through wellness and self-care, transparency and transformation, and living within rhythms of an integrated life.

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VUSA has developed an initiative for financial education and support, which is funded by the Lilly Endowment. Our next 2-year learning journey begins in 2025.


Emotionally Focused weekend intensives and months-long courses provide a robust and reflective transformation process of looking at both who you’ve become and what hinders you from becoming the person you want to be.

Intellectual, Spiritual, Relational

Additional cohorts and learning opportunities will be introduced over the next two years.

All Ministry Seasons and Phases​

A leader’s needs shift throughout the stages of ministry.


The first 5 years of planting a church or stepping into a ministry are challenging—and formative in the way a leader sets rhythms and intentionality with  how they live, lead, and build a church. 

Formation & Fruit

VUSA desires a culture of ongoing soul care and healthy rhythms for its pastors. We want our pastors to regularly have someone checking “under the hood of the car” for any areas of concern or needed healing. 


We desire to provide support and care as pastors discern ministry calling, enter ministry, shift ministries, and transfer ministries responsibilities to new leaders.

Vineyard USA has developed networks of coaches and spiritual directors who are available to come alongside pastors and ministry leaders in any season. Coaches help you develop goals, and spiritual directors guide you as you connect with God, discern His voice, and form your inner life with Him.