A Letter From Phil & Jan: Slow Kingdom Coming

Rushing, busyness, and overactivity without a growing sense of self-renewal, intimacy with God, and learning to be present to others will always lead to breakdowns – large and small.

Dear Friends,

As we walk through the Advent and Christmas season this year, I’m continually reminded how important it is for us to pace ourselves as we follow Jesus over a lifetime.

I like to call it the “slow Kingdom coming,” and I want to call us to keep in step with Jesus, who is often moving more slowly than we are!

Rushing, busyness, and overactivity without a growing sense of self-renewal, intimacy with God, and learning to be present to others will always lead to breakdowns – large and small.

Jan and I want to encourage you to take the time to spiritually breathe this season; care for your soul and those souls God has placed in your care.

A great resource for this is our How Is Your Soul? booklet; consider using it yourself or with a small group as one year closes and the next begins.

We’ve just come through an exciting Fall in the Vineyard, with churches reaching out to their communities in unique and powerful ways, our first diversity conference, and people from across all the stages of the Vineyard Pilgrimage learning to walk with Jesus through the joys and struggles of life.

As Christmas nears, let me encourage you this season to welcome God to speak to you about the pace of your life, and to give you an ongoing revelation of His slow Kingdom coming – to you.

Blessings from Jan and I, and we’ll see you on the trail,

Phil and Jan