Bi-Vocational Ministry: The Key To Sowing

What are the unique challenges and rewards of being a bi-vocational pastor?

[Video from Multiply Vineyard]

What are the unique challenges and rewards of being a bi-vocational pastor? Joel Seymour, Justin Barney, and Michael Houle share the benefits and challenges of working within your own community as you seek to pastor and serve them in ministry. Join us for a practical discussion of how to do this well in your life.

What will you learn from this webinar:

  • The unique challenges of being bi-vocational and resources to help
  • The unique rewards of being bi-vocational
  • Best practices for bi-vocational Ministry

“Bi-vocational ministry is the reality that we live in right now.” —Joel Seymour

Webinar Recording

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Q & A

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Webinar Timeline:

“Bi-vocational ministry as a career, as a life-long ministry call is becoming more the norm.”—Justin Barney


“One of the realities of bi-vocational ministry is that we have to take care of ourselves. You are the number one person to take care of for your family and your church.”— Michael Houle



Multiply Vineyard is a community of pastors and leaders working to fulfill God’s invitation to multiply disciples, leaders, and churches. Whether you’re a potential planter or a pastor, we’d love for you to join this community. Check out some resources, engage in relationship, and let’s multiply our churches together.