Pastoral Health & Formation

Inviting Vineyard leaders into an integrated life where they are transformed, refreshed, and sustained for the work of the ministry.

The Integrated Life of a Leader

When leaders step into a ministry calling, we often don’t know exactly what we’re saying yes to. We want to serve the Kingdom, and yet we find ourselves in a pressure cooker of demands, tasks, and crises that affect our well-being, relationships, and spiritual vitality. The Vineyard Pastoral Health and Formation team has the leader’s whole-life well-being in mind, so they can be grounded, empowered, and sustained for life and ministry.

Intentional Spiritual Rhythms

With constant ministry demands and the larger-than-life expectations, we can encounter exhaustion—even burnout, if not careful. Cultivating intentional rhythms and practices of rest and reflection are essential for longevity in ministry.

Building Support in Different Seasons

Leaders need different types of support for different ministry seasons. Beginnings require establishing strong foundations and rhythms for leadership, life, and ministry. Fruitful engagement requires rest, refreshment, and ongoing formation. Transitions and endings call for discernment and vision. Our Vineyard networks of coaches and spiritual directors are equipped and called to serve Vineyard pastors and leaders throughout their ministries.

Crisis Care

We all have moments of crisis in our lives. There’s no shame in it, and we want to walk alongside you to find next steps specific to your situation.

[IN PROGRESS] Spiritual Health Pastors Cohort

6 Months | Starts September 2024

This cohort takes an integrated approach to spiritual formation, combining retreat, formation practices, and community. We are passionate to see pastors refreshed and renewed in community with Jesus and others. 

[IN PROGRESS] Staff Pastors: Financial Education Groups

Begins January 2025 | Online | 6-8 Weeks

Any paid staff pastor (executive, worship, associate, community life, youth, kids, etc.)

Beginning in 2025, financial education will be available for staff pastors (such as executive, worship, associate, community life, youth, kids, etc.). You’re invited to participate in a 9-week personal finance training group with emphasis on the unique aspects of pastor finances. We will use two different curricula and connect pastors (and their spouses) into small groups of 6 households.

[IN PROGRESS] Pastors Cohort: Physical & Recreational Health

9 Months | Starts January 2025


This new cohort offers pastors mentoring, individualized plans and coaching, and large-group learning as we establish healthy rhythms, embrace abundance, and engage in a life-long journey of pursuing health. 

Pastors Cohorts: Emotional Health

6 months | Meets online

All pastors

These cohorts are uniquely designed to guide pastors through the 6-month Emotionally Focused Formation experience that unpacks 12 topics for growing emotional health and leadership. In addition to coaching from seasoned leaders, pastors will receive bonus content from expert voices who speak to the intersection of spiritual formation and emotional health and healing. 

Spring 2025 cohort: Register by March 28
Fall 2025 cohort: email ">Alison Groenendyk to receive registration when available.

[In Progress] Pastors Cohorts: Financial Well-Being #3

2 Years | February 2025 - November 2026


This 24-month cohort for senior/lead pastors (and spouses, if applicable) provides both personal and corporate financial education, coaching and specialized support. Funded by a grant from the Lilly Foundation. 

Emotionally Focused

Emotionally Focused is a discipleship process that blends Christian spiritual practices and concepts from neuroscience and psychology to unpack your most formative life experiences and help you understand how they influence the person you are becoming. There are three core experiences that build on each other and should be engaged in sequence. Each experience pairs excellent content and practical tools with time for guided self reflection, small group processing and coaching!

All opportunities are open for general sign-ups, unless otherwise noted. Click the links in blue to register!


STEP 1: Foundations Intensives (2 days)
Get an introductory look into the emotional health topics of mission, authenticity, integrity, obedience & vows. You’ll engage a rhythm of large group presentation, time in solitude for reflection & prayer, small group sharing and coaching. And you’ll walk away with tools and language to help you explore places in your story that God wants to heal and reframe.

Feb 21-22 – COLUMBUS, OH
Feb 24-25 – VANCOUVER, WA
Mar 7-8 – EVANSTON, IL
Mar 12-13 – ONLINE (weekday)
March 14-15 – DENVER, CO 
May 16/17 – ONLINE (weekend) 

STEP 2: Formations Experience (6 months coaching process)
Expand the tools and practices for showing up differently in your most important relationships! Through 12 one-hour online meet ups and weekly coaching in small groups, you will explore where you are stuck, who you want to be instead, and how to get there!

Cohorts launch week of March 30

PASTORS ONLY Emotional Health Cohort
April 2- October 15, 2025
This is a safe and challenging space designed just for pastors to engage in the step 2: Formation experience, alongside seasoned coaches and with access to expert voices in emotional health. Completion of Step 1 – Emotionally Focused Foundation Intensive – is a prerequisite for joining! Contact for details.

STEP 3: Family
Dive into family of origin work to better understand and map how anxiety spreads in systems, and the impact on your current relationships!

WED cohort starts Feb 5
THURS cohort starts Mar 27

Leadership Transformations cultivates vibrant spirituality and attentive discernment among Christian leaders and teams.

Financial services that are designed to help your financial needs and meet your goals. 

Spiritual & emotional resources, care & training to help pastors and missionaries in their life and leadership.

Coaching, crisis support and consulting for pastors and churches.

Their clergy tax specialists focus on simplifying clergy taxes and identifying saving and financial opportunities that pastors and churches often don’t even know exist. 

Danielle Pathak, VUSA Pastoral Health & Formation

Brian Dinges, Financial Well-Being of Pastors

Emily Snyder, Financial Well-Being of Pastors

Kristi Caulley, Pastoral Health Initiatives

Alison Groenendyk, Emotionally Focused

Harry Fritzenschaft, VUSA Coaching Network

Connie Willems, VUSA Spiritual Direction Network