EDLD – Discipleship

[ytp_playlist source=”PLUDsQg1O9letgOyV6HZI7AvGfA5Xo8BpC”] Watch the complete Discipleship YouTube playlist above, or select videos below: Video | What I Learned Through My Heart Attack And Recovery (Phil Strout) Video | How Is Your Soul? (Phil Strout) Video | Duty, Discipline, And Delight (Phil Strout) Video | Learning To Care For Your Soul (Phil Strout) Video | How […]

Stories From The Vineyard Diverse Leaders Gathering

This April, the Vineyard USA Diversity Initiative hosted a Vineyard Diverse Leaders Gathering in Chaska, Minnesota. Leaders from many cultural and experience backgrounds came together for worship, teaching, prayer, and mutual encouragement. A few leaders shared stories from their time together. Stories From The Diverse Leaders Gathering Expressing Hopes & Dreams “At the Diverse Leaders […]

Ten Lessons From 45 Years Training Leaders

In this article, long-term Vineyard leader Steve Nicholson of the Evanston Vineyard in Illinois talks about the real-world lessons he’s learned training diverse leaders for over 45 years. See Steve’s video on the topic here. 1. It’s a war. Not everyone survives. You have to deal with your stuff and stay in close relationship. Isolation is […]

For The Reluctant Flier: My 2017 Experience

I traveled to Ethiopia six years ago with our then 7-year-old son and husband. I had an extraordinary connection with God and myself on the trip. I have been waiting to return, and this past March my dream came true! Two common themes for me in going on both trips were encountering and facing my fear of […]

Diversity: Reach Out To Those Different Than You

Diversity isn’t a “step” in the EDLD process in the same way that evangelism, discipleship, and leadership development are. Rather, diversity is a value that must permeate the entire process. If it doesn’t, we will, by our very natures, only evangelize, disciple, and multiply leaders who are naturally part of our own social group. Without […]

Releasing A New AVC In Brazil

In May 2016, Vineyard pastors and members from all over Brazil welcomed Vineyard representatives from the U.K., Canada, and the U.S. to a moving conference celebration as the Vineyard churches of Brasilia were released to become their own Association of Vineyard Churches (AVC) in Brazil. Luke Huber, the founder of PAZ Mission, first introduced me […]

A Great Year For Jesus In Northern Côte D’Ivoire

In predominantly Muslim northern CĂ´te d’Ivoire over the past year 193 new believers have come to Christ, and 33 villages have formed new home Bible studies. One village even built a church building totally on their own initiative and with their own resources (see photo below). This is the first Vineyard church building in CĂ´te d’Ivoire! Their […]

Expectancy For The Spirit

Dear Friends, I hope you are enjoying the rhythms of summer, whatever they may be for you. For me, summer means the chance to visit wonderful regional conferences all over the United States, and to reconnect with old friends and meet new ones – including the many new church planters being released through Multiply Vineyard. […]

Surprises For The Vineyard

Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Vineyard, Ever since I started saying yes to God, He has lead me into unendingly unexpected places and situations. Every time I think I know what is up ahead, a new challenge and a new opportunity to know God better seems to appear over the horizon. Surprises Keep Our […]

Bubble Parties For Jesus In Milwaukee

When we moved to Milwaukee almost three years ago (without a church planting team), my wife and I were trying to find ways to engage people. So we looked at what “normal people” like to do in our city. Milwaukee people love to party. Taking a page from the book The Art of Neighboring, we […]